I address this missive to all those of you who feel even a modicum of care for the lot of humanity. We live in a society, nay a WORLD, which has been crafted...by WAR. Lest you think this is rhetoric spun by the Bush speech writing team, I beseech you recognize the signs of conflict and bloodshed. For even now, children of the Sunwell couch their hatred for the Illidari in no uncertain terms. Hordes of malign intelligences gather against scattered Alliances of warriors, clerics, foot soldiers, and tanks. Of what do I speak, you may wonder? Am I filibustering or cloaking prophecy in trappings of inanity?
Climb the battlements, comrades, and view the field smeared with the blood of your brethren, sisters, children, and loved ones! Insensate warmongers use your fears, your freedom, your BLOOD to finger paint a vista of monolithic horror and rampage!
Are we not all enlisted in this battle between those who would conquer, and those they would enslave? It is within the passing of these moments we realize that EVIL is not the binary opposite of GOOD, but a fraternal twin. EVIL is not the absence of GOOD, it is not it's SHADOW, but its BROTHER. It exists without GOOD. It is an animal unto itself, not the deficit of something it is not...it is a presence as tangible and powerful as its linguistical counterpoint.
So what must be done? Gear up, level up, mount up, choose your faction, choose which race of comrades you would fight beside--discover your role and charge, attack, heal, or damage control--but for the love of Thrall and in defense of what Arthas once stood for ARISE! Shake the dust of complacency from your communal aspirations, /ignore your thoughts of self-preservation and take up arms in a cause which may very well end in defeat!
This is an age our children s' children shall remember in song and reverent accolade! This is a time when the blood of man shall mingle with the sweat of the Gods in a brew of heroism and integrity! This is the day we transcend our humanity! This is the day that complacency falls, that hearts are shorn but continue beating, that the night does not follow the day, but when the sun shall for forever remove the dark as the constant mimetic companion of man, and replace it with a searing fire of glory! This is the time of our divine inheritance! This is reality! This is our destiny! This is the craft of WAR!
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