The problem with the The problem with the present is its passing.
is that it's our present.
The problem More often And so
With time Than I'd like to admit Nostalgia is:
Is that it's not We can't see past the mess of porridge To mourn the past
Linear We obtain Longing is a
Our calendar By relinquishing our Festering dirge.
The seasons Birthright By housing them
The stages of life To We ensepulchure
The exodus of days "Refinement" A living entity
All point "Civilization" And we close our eyes
To circuity Which Jacob To the past's present presence.
We live within a false perception. Personifies Mourning
Departure and return We forget Has its place, as it implies
Is the undergirding theme of life That it was Jacob That morning has come
And yet we live in constant valediction Who, insecure And the past returns
A constant negation Had to send sheep forward Anew.
Progress And servants To long for the past
Is refusal of the past To test the waters between himself and his twin Is to refuse to recognize
Circumambulation Waters formerly seething That the past is like water
Is affirmation Molested by favoritism It evaporates
\ Of all of existence It was Barbarity Into the place of origin, the firmament
It deconstructs It was primal time Only to rain down, still water
The past present binary Which Esau represents And if we are fertile
And finds a third term between It is savagery The past will be absorbed into ourselves
Androgynous time And the heathen Whose presence will be evident in growth
Coexistence of the past present Who without reservation In an unending cycle
The future is to be found Or servants or gifts Of departure and return
In the stories we live out unconsciously Sent out of fear to test those waters But departure and return
And thereby are determined Fell at his brother's Are two words
Unwittingly His sworn enemy's That we use to capture subtle nuances
Satan is a digital watch Neck and wept Of an ineffable singularity
Which And it was he who brought healing But we are schizophrenics all
Has replaced Esau was the return And call ill
Circles Jacob was the departure. Esau is the father to whom the prodigal son, having draped himself in the clothing and consequence of civilization, dejectedly returns Those who have perhaps caught an honest glimpse of our Western paradigm
And see how many of us have turned into pillars of salt
is that it's our present.
The problem More often And so
With time Than I'd like to admit Nostalgia is:
Is that it's not We can't see past the mess of porridge To mourn the past
Linear We obtain Longing is a
Our calendar By relinquishing our Festering dirge.
The seasons Birthright By housing them
The stages of life To We ensepulchure
The exodus of days "Refinement" A living entity
All point "Civilization" And we close our eyes
To circuity Which Jacob To the past's present presence.
We live within a false perception. Personifies Mourning
Departure and return We forget Has its place, as it implies
Is the undergirding theme of life That it was Jacob That morning has come
And yet we live in constant valediction Who, insecure And the past returns
A constant negation Had to send sheep forward Anew.
Progress And servants To long for the past
Is refusal of the past To test the waters between himself and his twin Is to refuse to recognize
Circumambulation Waters formerly seething That the past is like water
Is affirmation Molested by favoritism It evaporates
\ Of all of existence It was Barbarity Into the place of origin, the firmament
It deconstructs It was primal time Only to rain down, still water
The past present binary Which Esau represents And if we are fertile
And finds a third term between It is savagery The past will be absorbed into ourselves
Androgynous time And the heathen Whose presence will be evident in growth
Coexistence of the past present Who without reservation In an unending cycle
The future is to be found Or servants or gifts Of departure and return
In the stories we live out unconsciously Sent out of fear to test those waters But departure and return
And thereby are determined Fell at his brother's Are two words
Unwittingly His sworn enemy's That we use to capture subtle nuances
Satan is a digital watch Neck and wept Of an ineffable singularity
Which And it was he who brought healing But we are schizophrenics all
Has replaced Esau was the return And call ill
Circles Jacob was the departure. Esau is the father to whom the prodigal son, having draped himself in the clothing and consequence of civilization, dejectedly returns Those who have perhaps caught an honest glimpse of our Western paradigm
And see how many of us have turned into pillars of salt
Rain is reincarnation
The outward events of the past
Are reincarnated into a living inner reality
This precipitation
Is the necessary life-blood of the soul
Circuity is the absolute excommunication
Of the elitism of "present" and serfdom of "past"
She who has ears to hear, let her hear and understand:
Oh that we were as much Esau as Abel
Oh that we would embrace barbarity
As much as civility
Oh that we were savage
That we held on to primal roots
That our intuition
Was as valued
As our iPods
That we believed in dragons
And demons
And angels
As much as protons
And neutrons
And cancer
And irrationality That the Obama
As much as reason Will one day lie down with the McCain
That we might be whole That the heart of Palin might be turned to the heart of Sam
Oh that And the heart of Sam
We might To conventionalism
Dispense of And the heart of conventionalism
Our digital reality To radicalism
And live the way of the clock But that we might eschew Disney
Hands perpetually departing Perfidious Miley-Cirusisms
And returning And Jonasbrotherization
In reconciliation
To its passing
Its departure a concurrent return
Ever moving
Though static
Powered by progress
Yet suggesting a
Reality superseding
Its creator's
"It is sometimes and appropriate response to reality to go insane."
-Philip K. Dick (Valis p 10)
I love reading what you write.
I'm not sure what else to say besides that.
Are you still in Utah?
I'm making a trip there in August.
I also enjoy parousing your entries. Yes'm I am still here or there for you. Well in August we'll do lunch or some other activity to catch up.
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